“We’re going to change history,” Jamie Margolin told The New York Times last summer. The high schooler was referring to Zero Hour, the group she co-created. Its mission is to ensure that government leaders listen to what youth have to say about climate change—then act on it.
Zero Hour got its start in 2017 when Jamie posted on Instagram to propose a march in Washington, D.C. She hoped it would push lawmakers to update policies affecting climate change. Immediately, she heard from teens around the country who wanted to take part. With that, a movement was born.
Among Zero Hour’s requests for lawmakers are protection for endangered species, ending U.S. dependence on fossil fuels, and requiring environmental education in schools.
Over the past two years, the group has organized marches, written letters to government representatives, and generated tons of media coverage—like this story! This type of climate activism “is crucial to human survival,” Jamie has said.
LEARN MORE: thisiszerohour.org